Abstraction principle (law)

The abstract system dominates the entire BGB and is vital for the understanding of how it treats legal transactions, such as contracts.Although abstract title transfer seemingly contradicts the usual common sense interpretation of commercial transactions, it is undisputed among the German legal community.Critics say that what German legal scholars call Verpflichtungsgeschäft and Verfügungsgeschäft (i.e. undertakings vs. conveyance) are actually the same thing, but expressed in other words.This is the main criticism of those jurisdictions that follow the opposite system, the causal system of title transfer (Germ: Kausalprinzip or Prinzip der kausalen Tradition), which follows the canon law maxim solo consensus obligat, under which the meeting of the minds in a contract of sale is sufficient both to create obligations and convey title.This includes mainly jurisdictions that have adopted or been influenced by the Napoleonic Code, e.g. France, Louisiana, Quebec, Portugal, French-speaking Africa, much of Latin America, etc.
Contract lawCapacityOffer and acceptanceMeeting of the mindsPosting ruleMirror image ruleInvitation to treatFirm offerConsiderationImplication-in-factCollateral contractDefencesMisrepresentationMistakeThreatsunequal bargaining powerIllegalitypublic policyUnconscionabilityCulpa in contrahendoForce majeureFrustration of purposeImpossibilityImpracticabilitySet-offIllusory promiseStatute of fraudsNon est factumUnclean handsAccord and satisfactionExculpatory clauseParol evidenceContract of adhesionIntegration clauseContra proferentemUNIDROIT PrinciplesDispute resolutionChoice of law clauseForum selection clauseHague Choice of Court ConventionArbitrationNew York ConventionUNCITRAL Model LawMediationSingapore Mediation ConventionEnforcement of foreign judgmentsHague Judgments ConventionPrivity of contractAssignmentDelegationNovationThird-party beneficiaryBreach of contractAnticipatory repudiationExclusion clauseEfficient breachDeviationFundamental breachRemediesSpecific performanceMoney damagesLiquidated, stipulatedpenal damagesRescissionQuasi-contractual obligationsPromissory estoppelQuantum meruitUnjust enrichmentRestitutionNegotiorum gestioDuty of good faithContract A and Contract B in Canadian contract lawConflict of lawsCommercial lawAustraliaCanadaChina (mainland)Saudi ArabiaEngland and WalesScotlandUnited StatesTort lawProperty lawtrustsestatesCriminal lawEvidencecommon lawBürgerliches GesetzbuchpandectistCanadian contract lawUniform Commercial CodeGermanGerman lawlaw of obligationsGerman Civil Codecontractland registrationprivate lawBrazilian lawSouth African lawScots lawcontractsownershipcanon lawcontract of saleNapoleonic CodeFranceLouisianaQuebecPortugalFrench-speaking Africa