RWTH Aachen University

Since 2007, RWTH Aachen has been continuously funded by the DFG and the German Council of Science and Humanities as one of eleven (previously nine) German Universities of Excellence for its future concept RWTH 2020: Meeting Global Challenges and the follow-up concept The Integrated Interdisciplinary University of Science and Technology: Knowledge, Impact, Networks, also receiving grants for associated graduate schools and clusters of excellence.On 25 January 1858, prince Frederick William of Prussia (later German emperor), was given a donation of 5,000 talers from the Aachener und Münchener Feuer-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft, the precursor of the AachenMünchener insurance company, for charity.This began to change in 1880 when the early RWTH, amongst others, was reorganized as a Royal Technical University, gained a seat in the Prussian House of Lords and finally won the right to bestow Dr.-Ing.[10] The freedom of research and teaching became severely limited, and institutes important for the regime's plans were systematically established, and existing chairs promoted.[11] In December 2006, RWTH Aachen and the Sultanate of Oman signed an agreement to establish a private German University of Technology in Muscat.From 100 RTWH professors in Mechanical- and Electrical engineering 19 had coorperated with researchers from NUDT and the Seven Sons of National Defence initiative and 45 had benefited from Chinese government funding.The money, in some cases channelled through companies privately held by RWTH professors, went, among other things, to projects with military applications, including radar technology for drones.Double degrees and student mobility are promoted with other technology universities through the TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) network.Compared to other German universities the RWTH Aachen received the highest amount of funds granted by third-party donors in the last years.In Asia, RWTH Aachen collaborates with Tsinghua University to offer Tsinghua-Aachen (Germany) Joint Master Program.[26] In the 2015 ranking published by DAAD together with Centre for Higher Education Development and Die Zeit, RWTH Aachen also stands on top among other German universities in the aforementioned fields of engineering and computer science.Since the summer semester of 2007, all students enrolled at the RWTH Aachen had to pay these €500, if they were not exempt for one of several reasons put forth by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.Since 24 February 2011 study fees were abolished by the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia (Legislation for the Improvement of Equal Opportunities to University Admission) with effect from Winter Term 2011/12.Universities will receive 249 Mio Euro of national funding for measures that improve the quality of teaching (e.g., through additional teachers and tutors) as compensation.AICES is a collaborative effort of 47 principal investigators from 8 academic divisions of RWTH Aachen University, as well as Max Planck Institute for Iron Research and Forschungszentrum Jülich.RWTH Aachen University has educated several notable individuals, including some Nobel laureates in physics and chemistry.
SuperC , landmark of RWTH Aachen and the central service building for students
Main Building of the RWTH Aachen. It was built in 1870.
"Red lecture hall" at the central campus
View towards the city of Aachen from SuperC , a central building for students next to the main building at the midtown campus
The newly built CARL in 2017, RWTH Aachen
The Rogowski building, home of the Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science
Institute for physical chemistry
Klinikum Aachen (University hospital)
Fraunhofer-Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology
PublicRectorAachenNorth Rhine-WestphaliaGerman Excellence InitiativeCESAERIDEA LeaguepmUNITECHPEGASUSresearch universityGermanyGerman Council of Science and HumanitiesUniversities of ExcellenceIDEA LeagueTop Industrial Managers for EuropeFrederick William of PrussiaGerman emperortalersAachenMünchenerinsurance companyPrussianinstitute of technologyRhine provinceKoblenzCologneDüsseldorfGroundbreakingFranco-Prussian WarRuhr areachemistryelectricalnatural sciencessocial sciencesPrussian House of LordsDr.-Ing.Dipl.-Ing.August von BrandisWorld War Ifacultiesgeneral students' committeenationalistNazi GermanyGleichschaltungCommunistpersecutedChairscapitulatedWorld War IINazi partynatural sciencehumanitiesSultanateGerman University of TechnologyMuscatcurriculaconnotationFederal Ministry of Education and Researchmilliongraduate schoolsComputational Engineering ScienceHarbin Institute of TechnologyCorrectivMechanical-Electrical engineeringSeven Sons of National DefencecompaniesdronesKármánAachen Cathedralbotanical gardenBotanischer Garten AachenCharlemagneJülichUniversity of StuttgartKleinwalsertalTU DelftChalmers University of TechnologyETH ZürichUndergraduate Research Opportunities ProgramTsinghua UniversityUniversity rankingsQS World University RankingsTimes Higher Education World University RankingsARWU World RankingsHandelsblattWirtschaftswocheDie Zeitboard of managementLMU MunichTechnische Universität DarmstadtScience, technology, engineering, and mathematicscomputer sciencephysicsfederal stateLandtag of North Rhine-WestphaliaF 1 – Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural SciencesF 2 – Faculty of ArchitectureF 3 – Faculty of Civil EngineeringF 4 – Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringF 5 – Faculty of Georesources and Materials EngineeringF 6 – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information TechnologyF 7 – Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesF 8 – School of Business and EconomicsF 10 – Faculty of Medicinepedagogical sciencesTeacher educationKlinikum AachenFraunhofer-InstitutesForschungszentrum JülichGerman Universities Excellence InitiativeComputational engineeringinverse problemscomputer science and engineeringprincipal investigatorsMax Planck Institute for Iron ResearchFlugwissenschaftliche Vereinigung AachenabbreviationWorld Solar ChallengeList of RWTH Aachen University peoplePeter DebyeDebye modelDebye relaxationHelmut ZahninsulinB.J. HabibieIndonesiaFranz Josef OchGoogle TranslateWayback MachineAcademic Ranking of World UniversitiesMathematics, Computer science, and Natural sciencesArchitectureCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringGeoresources and Materials EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Information TechnologyArts and HumanitiesBusiness and EconomicsMedicineUniversity hospitalClusters of excellenceIntegrative Production Technology for High-Wage CountriesComputer museum AachenBielefeld UniversityRuhr University BochumUniversity of BonnUniversity of CologneGerman Sport University CologneTechnical University of DortmundUniversity of Duisburg-EssenHeinrich Heine University DüsseldorfUniversity of HagenUniversity of MünsterPaderborn UniversityUniversity of SiegenWitten/Herdecke UniversityUniversity of WuppertalAcademy of Media Arts CologneAlanus University of Arts and Social SciencesBielefeld University of Applied SciencesBonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied SciencesCologne University of Applied SciencesDortmund University of Applied Sciences and ArtsHochschule DüsseldorfHochschule für Musik und Tanz KölnFH AachenFH MünsterFolkwang University of the ArtsHochschule für Musik DetmoldInternational School of ManagementIUBH University of Applied SciencesMusikhochschule MünsterRhine-Waal University of Applied SciencesRobert Schumann HochschuleSouth Westphalia University of Applied SciencesTechnische Hochschule Georg AgricolaTechnische Hochschule OWLUniversities in GermanyBaden-WürttembergHeidelbergFreiburgKarlsruheKonstanzMannheimHohenheimStuttgartTübingenZeppelin UniversityBavariaAugsburgBambergBayreuthEichstätt-IngolstadtErlangen-NurembergIngolstadtBU MunichTU MunichUkrainian Free UniversityPassauRegensburgWürzburgBerlinBerlin University of the ArtsFU BerlinHU BerlinTU BerlinBrandenburgTU BrandenburgFrankfurt (Oder)PotsdamBremenConstructor UniversityHamburgTU HamburgHafenCity University HamburgHelmut Schmidt UniversityTU DarmstadtFrankfurt (Main)GiessenKasselMarburgLower SaxonyTU BraunschweigTU ClausthalGöttingenHannoverHildesheimLüneburgOldenburgOsnabrückVechtaMecklenburg-VorpommernGreifswaldRostockBielefeldBochumTU DortmundDuisburg-EssenMünsterPaderbornSiegenWitten/HerdeckeWuppertalRhineland-PalatinateUniversity of Kaiserslautern-LandauUniversity of KoblenzSpeyerSaarlandSaxonyTU ChemnitzTU DresdenTU FreibergLeipzigSaxony-AnhaltHalle-WittenbergMagdeburgSchleswig-HolsteinFlensburgLübeckThuringiaErfurtTU IlmenauWeimarGerman Excellence UniversitiesFree University of BerlinHumboldt University of BerlinTechnical University of BerlinCharitéUniversity of HamburgUniversity of HeidelbergKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyUniversity of KonstanzLudwig Maximilian University of MunichTechnical University of MunichUniversity of TübingenUniversity of BremenUniversity of FreiburgUniversity of GöttingenTU9 German Institutes of Technology e.V.Leibniz University HannoverTop International Managers in Engineering (T.I.M.E.)Vienna TechEngineering at MonsUCLouvainLibre de BruxellesLiègeVrije BrusselBeihangXi'an JiaotongCzech Tech PragueTechnical DenmarkCentrale GraduateMarseilleNantesSupélecENSTA ParisÉcole des ponts ParisTechTech BerlinTech DarmstadtTech MunichLeibniz HannoverAristotle ThessalonikiNational Tech AthensBudapest Tech and EconomicsPoly TurinPoly MilanTrentoNorwegian STWrocław STInstituto Superior TécnicoBauman Moscow State TechRussian TechnTomsk PolyComillas PontificalTech ValenciaPoly CataloniaTech MadridSevilleChalmers TechKTH Royal TechEngeering at LundETH ZurichIstanbul TechQueen's BelfastEuropean University AssociationEuropean Society for Engineering EducationEuropean Federation of National Engineering AssociationsDelft University of TechnologyPolytechnic University of MilanAalborgAthens PolytechnicBelgradeChalmersGdańsk University of TechnologyGraz University of TechnologyGrenoble Alpes UniversityINSA de LyonIP ParisKU LeuvenParis-SaclayParisTechPOLITOSapienza University of RomeSheffieldSouthamptonStrathclydeSurreyTechnionTU WarsawTU WienTwente