7th century BC

The Neo-Assyrian Empire continued to dominate the Near East during this century, exercising formidable power over neighbors like Babylon and Egypt.In the last two decades of the century, however, the empire began to unravel as numerous enemies made alliances and waged war from all sides.The Assyrians finally left the world stage permanently when their capital Nineveh was destroyed in 612 BC.These events gave rise to the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which would dominate the region for much of the following century.In Mesoamerica, the Zapotec civilization began to develop in the area later known as the Valley of Oaxaca.
Map of the Neo-Assyrian Empire at their apex in 671 BC
A 16th-century depiction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon , by Martin Heemskerck , with Tower of Babel in the background.
The Fall of Nineveh , by John Martin
600s BC (decade)1st millennium BC8th century BC6th century BC7th century BCDecades690s BC680s BC670s BC660s BC650s BC640s BC630s BC620s BC610s BC600s BC700 BC601 BCNeo-Assyrian EmpireNear EastBabylonNinevehNeo-Babylonian EmpireZhou dynastyLate PeriodTwenty-sixth DynastyPsamtik IMesoamericaZapotec civilizationValley of OaxacaHanging Gardens of BabylonMartin HeemskerckTower of Babel690s BC699 BCElamite Empire697 BCKing Huan of Zhou696 BCKing Zhuang of ZhouCimmeriansPhrygiaArmenians691 BCSennacheribAssyriaHumban-nimenaBattle of Halule690 BCTaharqaTwenty-fifth DynastyEthiopia664 BCSphinxTwenty-fifth Dynasty of EgyptThe British MuseumLondon680s BC689 BC687 BCHezekiahManasseh682 BC681 BCKing Xi of ZhouEsarhaddon670s BC678 BCPhraortes677 BCAssyrianBrook of Egypt676 BCKing Hui of Zhou675 BC674 BCAscalonAssyrians673 BCTullus Hostilius671 BCMemphis660s BC669 BCAssurbanipalhoplite phalanxbattle of Hysiae668 BCShamash-shum-ukinThebes667 BCByzantiumMegaranCorinthCorcyraThebes, EgyptPsammetichus INecho ILower EgyptTantamaniUpper EgyptFebruary 11, 660 BCEmperor Jimmu660 BCDemoticimpactKaali crater650s BCThe Spartan CreedTyrtaeusPiedras Negras, Guatemala657 BCCypselustyrant656 BCPsammetichus653 BCAtlanersa652 BCBabyloniaAchaemenid dynastyPersia651 BCKing Xiang of Zhou650 BCAbderaThraceClazomenaeclimate changeBronze AgeEuropeScandinavianNordic Bronze AgeEuropean continent640s BCAshurbanipallibraryEpic of Gilgamesh649 BCIndabigashTammarituBabylonian648 BCPankrationAncient Olympic GamesApril 6, 648 BCsolar eclipse647 BCsacks Susa642 BCAncus Marcius641 BCJosiah640 BCKhumma-Khaldash III630s BC632 BCAthenianAcropolisBattle of ChengpuChinese631 BCCyreneNorth AfricaSadyates620s BC627 BCAssur-etel-ilani626 BCNabopolassar625 BCBabylonians623 BCSin-shar-ishkun622 BCDeuteronomyTemple in JerusalemEzekiel610s BCJohn Martin619 BCAlyattes618 BCKing Qing of Zhou616 BCLucius Tarquinius Priscus614 BC613 BC612 BCKing Kuang of ZhouSusianiansAshur-uballit IIHarran610 BCNecho II600s BC609 BCBattle of MegiddoPharaohAssyrian armyJehoahazKing of JudahJehoiakim607 BC606 BCKing Ding of Zhou605 BCBattle of CarchemishCrown PrinceNebuchadnezzarPalestineNebuchadnezzar IIScythiansEurasian Steppe600 BCMahajanapadasKosalaMagadhaPanchalaMatsyaSurasenaAssakaAvantiGandharaKambojaMarseillePhoceansSmyrnaLydiansAnatolia525 BCGreeksAsia Minor4th century BCBanditacciaCerveteriList of sovereign states in the 7th century BC9th century BC8th century BC6th century BC5th century BC700s BC709 BC708 BC707 BC706 BC705 BC704 BC703 BC702 BC701 BC700 BC699 BC698 BC697 BC696 BC695 BC694 BC693 BC692 BC691 BC690 BC689 BC688 BC687 BC686 BC685 BC684 BC683 BC682 BC681 BC680 BC679 BC678 BC677 BC676 BC675 BC674 BC673 BC672 BC671 BC670 BC669 BC668 BC667 BC666 BC665 BC664 BC663 BC662 BC661 BC660 BC659 BC658 BC657 BC656 BC655 BC654 BC653 BC652 BC651 BC650 BC649 BC648 BC647 BC646 BC645 BC644 BC643 BC642 BC641 BC640 BC639 BC638 BC637 BC636 BC635 BC634 BC633 BC632 BC631 BC630 BC629 BC628 BC627 BC626 BC625 BC624 BC623 BC622 BC621 BC620 BC619 BC618 BC617 BC616 BC615 BC614 BC613 BC612 BC611 BC610 BC609 BC608 BC607 BC606 BC605 BC604 BC603 BC602 BC601 BC600 BC590s BC599 BC598 BC597 BC596 BC595 BC594 BC593 BC592 BC591 BC590 BCCenturiesmillennia