The regiment is under the operational control of the UK Commando Force, to which it provides artillery support and gunnery observation.[3] In 1957, it was deployed to Cyprus on internal security duties, and spent three years at Karlaos Camp, near Famagusta.[3][4] In June 1961, Abd al-Karim Qasim's Iraqi Republic announced its intention to annex newly-independent Kuwait, and a British military force was hurriedly sent to the kingdom in Operation Vantage.The regiment moved up close to the border with Iraq and established gun positions and observation posts (OPs).[5] During the 1982 Falklands War, 29 Commando Regiment accompanied the Royal Marines, providing much needed close support with their L118 Light Guns.
Practice firings by 7 (Sphinx) Commando Battery on exercise near
Cape Wrath
in Scotland.