1934 New Orleans mayoral election

Francis Williams, a longtime enemy of Senator Huey Long, was backed by an independent political organization led by himself and his brother.Walmsley emphasized his close ties with popular President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and portrayed the campaign as a referendum on Huey Long.Huey gave daily radio broadcasts interspersing tirades against the mayor he called "Turkey Head" Walmsley with amusing songs.Long's ally Governor Oscar K. Allen ordered the Louisiana National Guard to mobilize for New Orleans to defend the registrar's office, while Walmsley threatened to deputize ten thousand "special police."With potential armed clashes between the National Guard and Walmsley's police looming, a last minute agreement to submit to an arbitration committee averted a crisis.
T. Semmes WalmsleyDemocraticIndependentRegular Democratic OrganizationElections in LouisianaFederal governmentPresidential electionsPresidential primariesRepublicanU.S. Senate elections1813 sp1818 sp1824 sp1831 sp1833 sp1836 sp1837 sp1844 sp1847 sp1853 sp1876 sp1894 sp1910 sp1918 sp1936 sp1948 spU.S. House of Representatives elections1st sp3rd sp4th sp2nd sp5th sp6th sp7th sp8th spGubernatorial elections1830 sp1863 (C)1864 (U)Lieutenant gubernatorial electionsAttorney General electionsTreasurer elections2017 spState Senate electionsHouse of Representatives electionsBallot measuresAmendment 1Mayoral electionsCity Council electionsMayor of New OrleansHuey LongPaul H. MaloneyFranklin Delano RooseveltOrleans Parish PrisonOscar K. Allen1933 ←1934 United States electionsU.S.SenateArizonaCaliforniaConnecticutDelawareFloridaIndianaMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaMontana (special)NebraskaNebraska (special)NevadaNew JerseyNew MexicoNew Mexico (special)New YorkNorth DakotaPennsylvaniaRhode IslandTennesseeTennessee (special)VermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingWyoming (special)U.S.HouseAlabamaArkansasColoradoGeorgiaIllinoisKansasKentuckyLouisianaNew HampshireNorth CarolinaOklahomaOregonSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaStategovernorsLt. GovSenateEvansville, IN