1792–93 United States Senate elections
Senators were elected over a wide range of time throughout 1792 and 1793, and a seat may have been filled months late or remained vacant due to legislative deadlock.Two Pro-Administration senators (Benjamin Hawkins of North Carolina and John Langdon of New Hampshire) changed to Anti-Administration.Jackson won 24 votes in the Georgia House of Representatives and 11 in the State Senate for a combined total of 35.Livermore, like his fellow senator, John Langdon, would go on to serve as President Pro-Tempore during this term.Pro-Administration Samuel Johnston lost re-election to Anti-Administration Alexander Martin for the class 2 seat.The results of the vote of both houses combined are as follows: On February 28, 1794, the Senate determined that Gallatin did not satisfy the citizenship requirement for service and he was removed from office.